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Black Hole Space

Page history last edited by Kristin Lucas 15 years, 11 months ago


Black Hole Space


The Black Hole Space is a portable exhibition space that resembles a pedestal.  It has a small hole and electricity.  The hole is at the top. There is a light switch on the outside that controls an outlet on the inside.  It is currently painted black.



The Black Hole Space was constructed by Joshua Clayton and is run by curator Terri C. Smith.  The dimensions of the space are 3 feet tall by 1 foot and 4.5 inches wide.  The hole is 1.87 inches in diameter. The portability allows for imaginative site-specific projects that have the potential to be shown in virtually any indoor locale.


To submit proposals for the black hole space, please send submissions to Director/Curator Terri C. Smith at spaceholeblack@gmail.com.  This is an ongoing open call for proposals. Suggested locations for each submission are welcome and/or the staff at Black Hole Space will assist artists in trying to secure the best location(s) for their work.  Please include a written description and a C.V. with your proposal.  Sketches of the proposed project and images of past work are also welcome.


Since the space is new and run by people who have no extra money, there is no budget for these projects.  But what the space lacks in money it makes up for with a unique demeanor, fun-filled mission, and an enthusiastic and imaginative staff.  The Black Hole space is currently sited in the Hudson Valley in New York State (1.5 hours north of the city).  More specific dimensions and images of the Black Hole Space are attached.


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