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Page history last edited by Kristin Lucas 15 years, 11 months ago

Martha Rosler

The Art History Archive - Feminist Art


Red-Stripe Kitchen, from "Bringing the War Home: House Beautiful" series, 1967-72



Red and White (Baghdad Burning), 2004


Photo-Op,  2004


Gladiators, 2004



The Gray Drape, 2008


Richard Hamilton


Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?, 1956





Hannah Hoch


Cut with the Kitchen Knife Through the First Epoch of the Weimar Beer-Belly Culture, 1919




John Heartfield, German collage artist, anti-war propaganda


Hurrah, the Butter is Finished!


Helmut Herzfeld, 1929


Police Commissioner Zorgiebel, 1929

This image shows Heartfield with Police Commissioner Zorgiebel. It was used as a political cartoon in Berlin'sArbeiter-Illustriect-Zerlung(AIZ)(The Woker's Illustrated Newspaper). It shows Heartfield's obvious dislike of a man who supported the Nazi Party. 


Kurt Schwitters


Mz 299, 1921


Carnival, 1947

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